Can Invisalign Fix Crossbite?

A close image of clear dental aligners

If your upper teeth sit inside your lower teeth when you close your mouth, then you’re likely dealing with a crossbite. This misalignment may not seem like a problem now, but it can lead to other issues if left untreated. 

Metal braces used to be the only solution for fixing crossbites, but clear aligners like Invisalign are becoming more popular. The question is, can Invisalign fix crossbite, or are the aligners not strong enough?

While they may not be suitable in all cases, the good news is that aligners can fix crossbite for most patients. Here’s how it works.

What is Crossbite?

A crossbite is a misalignment of your teeth. When you bite down, if one or more of your top teeth slide behind the bottom teeth, this is considered a crossbite. It’s not always easy to see because you may only have a few teeth that are in crossbite, and, of course, it’s only noticeable when your mouth is closed.

Over time, these crooked teeth can lead to all sorts of oral health problems. If you’re experiencing frequent toothaches, headaches, or pain while chewing, crossbite may be the culprit.

Types of Crossbite

There are two main types of crossbite that Invisalign can fix. When you visit us at the Dental Health Group, we’ll help you determine which category your crossbite falls into.

Posterior Crossbite

Posterior means further in the back, and these crossbites occur with the back teeth. This misalignment can happen on one or both sides of the dental arches.

Anterior Crossbite

Anterior means closer to the front, and these types of crossbites occur on the front teeth. This misalignment can happen to only one tooth or to multiple teeth — in the case of multiple teeth, it’s sometimes known as an underbite.

What Causes a Crossbite?

In most people, a crossbite is hereditary. Cleft lip or palate, delayed tooth eruption, or abnormal teeth growth are all factors that frequently cause crooked teeth. Some studies have linked crossbite to childhood habits and other factors such as thumb sucking or even heavy breathing through the mouth.

Crossbite is rarely the result of something you consciously did. While you may not know exactly what caused it, you can take action now to fix it with Invisalign.

Can Crossbite Lead to Dental Problems?

Unfortunately, yes — a crossbite is more than just an aesthetic issue. Untreated crossbites can lead to significant oral health problems such as jaw tenderness, tooth pain, restricted airways, receding gums, chipped teeth, and even speech impediments or difficulty chewing. The misalignment will make plaque buildup more likely, and down-the-road consequences can include painful gum diseases and bone loss.

It’s crucial to address a crossbite as soon as you can. Waiting will only make the treatment more difficult as you get older.

How to Fix Crossbite With Invisalign

Orthodontics can help you with your crossbite. Invisalign clear aligners can treat most types of crossbite and are especially effective in milder cases — another reason not to let the problem get worse. For more severe cases of crossbite, traditional metal braces are typically the more effective option.

Fixing Posterior Crossbites With Invisalign

Correcting posterior crossbites with only Invisalign can be challenging. That is why it’s better to use a combination of Invisalign aligners and other types of expanders.

For instance, orthodontists can fix mild crossbites with Invisalign and elastics. The elastics will function like clear aligners and gradually align the teeth. For moderate cases of posterior crossbite, dentists may use Invisalign with a quad helix expander. This orthodontic device has four active springs and helps Invisalign create proper alignment and bite. 

More severe cases of posterior crossbite can benefit from a combination of Invisalign and a rapid palatal expander. This expander is more suitable for younger patients as it expands the palatal bones to create alignment. 

Fixing Anterior Crossbites With Invisalign

Fixing anterior crossbites with clear aligners alone is more feasible. Dentists can fix mild and moderate anterior crossbites with only Invisalign; they may not need other orthodontic appliances.

This process is straightforward for single-tooth anterior crossbites. However, correcting an anterior crossbite with multiple teeth is more challenging. This condition, also called an underbite, can benefit more from a combination of Invisalign aligners, elastics, and, in rarer cases, sometimes even tooth extractions.

How the Process Works

A dental technician shapes a clear aligner

Now that you know how to fix crossbites with Invisalign, you can find a good dentist and start the procedure. Here are the steps involved.

  1. First, you have to visit a dentist for a consultation. The dentist will thoroughly examine your teeth using digital scans and make a treatment plan. 
  2. Next, the dentist will make you a series of Invisalign aligners that can fix your crossbite. Your customized aligners should fit seamlessly inside your mouth. 
  3. You must wear your aligners for 22+ hours daily, only removing them when you want to eat, brush, and floss. Every two weeks, Invisalign will painlessly shift your teeth and jaw into the correct position by 0.25 – 0.3 millimeters until they reach the desired alignment.
  4. You will visit the dentist two weeks after starting treatment for a follow-up appointment. They will check your progress and give you the remaining sets of aligners.
  5. You will see the dentist every six weeks and switch your aligners regularly so Invisalign can successfully fix your crossbite. 

How Long Does it Take to Fix a Crossbite With Invisalign? 

Treatment time varies based on the severity of your crossbite, how often you wear your aligners, and other dental issues. For instance, having crowded teeth with your crossbite can extend the treatment period. 

It can take Invisalign as few as three months to fix mild crossbites. The treatment can take up to 18 months or more for those with more severe crossbites.

Pros and Cons of Invisalign for Crossbites

Invisalign is one of the most popular dental services for fixing crossbites. However, it’s not the only option. You can also get metal braces or undergo surgery. However, Invisalign can fix crossbites with the following pros:

  • Removable and easier to clean
  • More comfortable and discrete
  • Covering the entire biting surface
  • No metal wires to cut your mouth

That said, the aligners can be expensive and are often not covered by insurance plans. The treatment may not be effective for severe cases of crossbite, and the patient must be actively involved. Failing to wear the aligners regularly will negate the treatment.

Fix Your Crossbite with the Dental Health Group

Dr. Erwin Abad can fix your crossbite with Invisalign and give you the dental care you deserve. We see patients from all over Los Angeles. We know that restorative dentistry is an art as well as a science, and we work with you to craft a beautiful smile through tailored solutions. Your care is our passion. Schedule your appointment today for your first consultation.

Does Laser Treatment for Gum Disease Really Work?

A woman receiving laser gum treatment

More than one out of every three adults has some form of gum disease, but most people prefer to put off treatment. Even though ignoring gum disease can lead to further complications, the mere suggestion of a surgical procedure is often enough to deter patients from taking any corrective actions. However, there is another option, and that is laser therapy.

Laser treatment for gum disease does have its pros and cons, but ultimately its high success rate and relatively few side effects make it a sensible choice in many cases. Here’s what the procedure entails. 

What Is Laser Gum Treatment?

Gum disease laser therapy is an alternative to surgery for treating periodontal disease. This modern method uses light energy to destroy bacteria, improve oral health, and stimulate bone growth. It’s not just for gum disease, either. Dentists can use it to treat tooth decay, fix hypersensitivity, and reshape the gums.

The dentist uses a laser beam during the procedure to eliminate inflamed gum tissue. A significant pro of laser treatment for gum disease is the ability to distinguish between healthy and diseased tissue. The laser light does this by identifying the darker color of the infected sections. It can then remove those parts to eliminate the infection and sterilize the area.

Afterward, the healthy gum tissue can regenerate and return to normal. Depending on the severity of the disease, the dentist can perform this procedure in one or two office visits.

Laser Gum Treatment Pros

Laser gum therapy has various advantages over traditional treatments for periodontal disease. Here are the most notable pros of this restorative dental procedure.

Highly Effective

The first advantage of laser treatment for gum disease is the procedure’s effectiveness. Gum disease can lead to serious dental consequences like infection and tooth loss if left untreated.

Laser therapy can successfully treat moderate to severe cases of periodontal disease and remove all the harmful bacteria gathered in the deep pockets of your gums. With gum laser treatment, you can avoid the side effects of gingivitis and keep all your natural teeth intact.

Minimally Invasive

Another advantage of laser therapy over surgical procedures for gum disease treatment is that it’s a less invasive method. In traditional gum surgery, the dentist will cut into your gum tissue to remove the infection. Patients require stitches, and there is always a small risk of further infection at the site of the incision.

Laser therapy, on the other hand, only emits a small light at the infected area to complete the procedure. It’s only a minor discomfort, and you will not require anesthetics for pain.

Faster Recovery

Another notable benefit of laser treatment for gum disease is the shorter recovery time. Traditional gum surgeries have long recovery periods, lasting two to four weeks. Patients typically experience pain, swelling, and discomfort during this recovery period. In some cases, you may have to follow a liquid diet.

The recovery time for laser treatments is much shorter. Since the dentist doesn’t make incisions in your gum tissue, you will only feel the discomfort for about 24 hours. You can return to your normal routines within a few days after receiving treatment. This minimal downtime with gum laser treatment also means you can avoid the possible side effects of surgeries such as fatigue, pain, or missed work time.

More Precision

Although dentists are highly trained and take precautions, things can go wrong in traditional gum surgery. There is a risk that the dentist may cut into your healthy gum tissue. Yet because the laser beam is so precise, and because it distinguishes between healthy and infected tissue, the procedure has a high degree of accuracy. The dentist can heal your damaged gums without harming any healthy tissues.


The final pro of laser treatment for gum disease is the possibility of customization. At the Dental Health Group, Dr. Abad can change the wavelengths and power levels of the laser based on the severity of your gum disease. This customization will yield a more successful result and increase your comfort during the procedure.

A smiling woman after receiving laser gum therapy

Laser Gum Treatment Cons

Although it is a highly recommended procedure, gum laser treatment can have some side effects and additional considerations that may make it not the right choice for everyone.

Unsuitable for Highly Severe Cases

Laser gum therapy may be unsuitable for those with highly severe periodontal diseases. In these cases, the dentist may use a surgical procedure alongside laser therapy or perform the surgery alone. 

Not Offered by All Dentists

One of the downsides of laser treatment for gum disease is that not all dentists perform it. Laser therapy is a dental service that requires additional training. Not everyone is qualified, and some offices do not have the equipment. We’re proud to offer laser gum therapy at the Dental Health Group in Canoga Park. 

It Can be Costly

Laser gum therapy can be expensive if you plan to pay for it out of pocket. However, most insurance plans cover a portion of the costs, and there are financing options to help you pay for the treatment. 

Does Laser Gum Treatment Hurt?

One of the most notable advantages of laser treatment for gum disease is that the procedure is virtually painless with or without anesthesia. When you find a good dentist and treat the disease early, you will avoid oral health complications down the road.

Receive Effective Laser Gum Treatment at the Dental Health Group

While laser gum therapy is a great choice for many patients, Dr. Erwin Abad at the Dental Health Group can help you decide if it’s right for you. We welcome patients from all over Los Angeles for effective treatment at our modern office. Contact us now to schedule an appointment and restore your gums’ health. 

Will Dentures Ever Feel Normal?

A woman with dentures smiling outdoors

Dentures are more than just a restorative dentistry option. They boost your confidence while allowing you to enjoy food better and speak more easily.

But here’s the truth — they feel pretty weird when you first get them.

Patients often wonder if their dentures will ever feel normal. The answer is yes, they will. Getting used to wearing dentures takes some time, and the adjustment period can be a little uncomfortable for new denture users. Here we will discuss what you can expect in these first few weeks and how you can get used to your new dentures faster. 

What to Expect During the Adjustment Period

Whether you’re getting full or partial dentures, you can expect the following changes in your mouth.

Soreness and Discomfort

This is a new apparatus in your mouth, so when you wear your dentures for the first time, you will likely experience some gum irritation, soreness, and mild pain. This discomfort is due to the additional pressure your new prosthetics exert on your gums.

If you find yourself wondering if your dentures will ever feel normal, try to be patient. The worst of the soreness subsides within a week or two. You can ease the discomfort by rinsing your mouth with warm salt water. 

Excessive Saliva

It’s not always talked about, but with new dentures, you can expect increased saliva production. Your body will confuse the dentures with food and respond accordingly by creating more saliva. 

While getting used to wearing dentures, you can reduce excessive saliva by swallowing more often and avoiding sour or sugary treats. Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, and grapefruits are snacks that increase your body’s saliva production. This problem is temporary and will resolve within a few days as your mouth adjusts to your new teeth.

Dentures Slipping

Another common problem is dentures slipping out of place. Your natural teeth are anchored to your jaw, but dentures need muscle power to stay put. The muscles in your mouth need to cooperate to hold them firmly, but there is a learning curve.

So your dentures might fall out when you laugh, eat, or cough. You can readjust them by gently biting down on them. As you continue wearing your dentures, they do feel more normal, and your muscles will adjust. You can also use denture adhesives to keep them in place. 

Improper Fit

Your mouth is sensitive to change. So the first time you put your dentures on, you might feel they’re too big and bulky. Before getting used to wearing dentures, you might even feel like they’re pushing your lips forward and become self-conscious. 

This improper fit may sometimes be due to a dentist’s error, but it’s most likely due to the strange new feel of dentures. Your dentures feeling bulky in the beginning is not unexpected. The sensation will become less noticeable as time passes and the dentures feel more normal.

Eating with dentures is difficult and awkward for new users. They may slip out of position, and pieces of food can get trapped under them. It will take some time to learn how to eat with them. It’s best to stick with softer foods until then.

Difficulty Eating 

Eating will become easier as you get used to your dentures and practice chewing. Soon, you can dine out with your friends again without worrying about your dentures shifting.

Difficulty Speaking

You may also have trouble speaking with your new dentures. They will interfere with your speech by causing a lisp or preventing you from pronouncing certain sounds like s and f. Plus, they may cause clicking sounds or shift in place when you talk.

As you’re getting used to wearing dentures, you will find it’s easier to talk. This is a normal part of the process you can overcome with practice and learning to move your tongue around your new teeth. 

After the Adjustment Period

All of these issues will resolve over time. However, you must be patient. For most people, the adjustment period will take up to 30 days. By this time, the soreness will be gone, there won’t be any more excess saliva, the dentures will stay in place, and you can eat and speak without a problem. 

What if my dentures don’t ever feel normal?

If you don’t feel normal after the 30-day mark and you still have too much discomfort or difficulty eating and speaking, you should visit your dentist. There may be something wrong with the fit of your dentures.

How to Get Used to Your Dentures

A person brushing dentures

Getting used to wearing dentures can be easier if you follow these suggestions.

Eat Carefully

Only eat soft foods like mashed potatoes and yogurt the first week after getting your dentures. As you start getting accustomed to your dentures, you can add other foods to your diet. Take small bites and chew with both sides of your mouth. 

Practice Speaking

One of the best ways to get your dentures to feel normal is to practice. Dedicate some time to practice talking in private and in front of a mirror daily. You can even sing! Soon, you will be able to correct your pronunciation and sound natural when talking.

Use an Adhesive

A denture adhesive can hold your new teeth in place and reduce discomfort. Consult your dentist and pick the best denture adhesive to help you through the adjustment period. 

Care For Your Dentures

Proper denture care is crucial to ensure your dentures’ longevity. So learn to care for your dentures. Don’t forget your regular oral hygiene, including brushing your gums, tongue, and the roof of your mouth. 

Let Your Mouth Rest

Don’t wear your dentures 24/7 unless your dentist says so. Your gums and mouth tissues need time to rest and recover to remain healthy. So remove your dentures before going to sleep.  

Ensure Your Dentures’ Success With The Dental Health Group

We promise, your dentures will feel normal eventually. Getting used to wearing dentures will take time, but you will get there. 

If you have questions or concerns about your dentures in the Greater Los Angeles area, the Dental Health Group can help. Dr. Erwin Abad specializes in denture care and can assist patients with removing any irritation or pain from their dentures. Your care is our passion. Schedule your appointment today and receive the best care possible.

What is a Deep Cleaning? Everything You Need to Know about Polishing Your Teeth

Woman undergoing deep dental cleaning procedure

As we eat and drink throughout the day, a film of bacteria builds up on our teeth. Plaque causes tartar formation, which combines with bacteria to form a hard substance that adheres to your teeth. This buildup can cause gingivitis, periodontitis, and eventually tooth loss. Of course, that’s why you brush your teeth every day, but sometimes regular brushing is not enough. 

Dental deep cleaning is a procedure to dig in and scrub off the buildup that a toothbrush can’t reach.

What is deep teeth cleaning?

Deep teeth cleaning is a type of dental cleaning also called scaling and planing that removes tartar, plaque, and bacteria from your teeth. The procedure involves specialized tools and is a much more thorough process than a regular teeth cleaning. It’s the difference between a full, multipoint auto inspection and a 15-minute oil change: Deep cleaning really looks at everything for a comprehensive treatment. 

The dentist will use a tool called an ultrasonic scaler to remove tartar from your teeth and may also use other tools to polish away any rough patches that remain, making them look whiter and cleaner. This process of removing tartar is called scaling. 

The next step of the dental deep cleaning procedure is called planing. The dentist will smooth out the tooth root by removing any buildup. It’s easier for the gums to attach to a clean, exposed tooth root, so this process strengthens your gum line and decreases the risk of tooth loss. Because it combines these processes, deep cleaning is often called scaling and root planing.

Do I really need deep cleaning, or is a regular checkup enough?

Your dentist will be able to tell if you need a deep cleaning by looking at your teeth. At the Dental Health Group, we find that many of our Los Angeles area patients who have trouble brushing regularly or who have not been to the dentist in over a year are good candidates for deep cleaning.

Your dentist will check for any discoloration or dark spots on the surface of your teeth, which can indicate plaque build-up below the gums due to oral hygiene. If this is present, they will recommend that you have the dental deep cleaning procedure as soon as possible. Your dentist will also check for any signs of tooth decay, gum disease, or bone loss. 

If you have any tooth sensitivity or pain when eating, this could be a sign of gum disease. If your gums are red or swollen, it could also mean that they are infected and in need of treatment. If there are any problems, your dentist may recommend additional treatment before deep cleaning your teeth so that they are in the best possible condition afterward.

What are the benefits of deep teeth cleaning?

Woman smiling while wearing sunglasses

Having your teeth deep cleaned regularly can help to keep them healthy and free from plaque build-up. It can also prevent gum disease by removing tartar from the surfaces of your teeth, which helps to stop bacteria from growing there. If you have sensitive teeth or are prone to cavities, a dental deep cleaning procedure may be able to reduce these symptoms, too. Other benefits of teeth deep cleaning include:

  • Reduced tooth sensitivity
  • Improved overall oral health
  • Fresh breath
  • A whiter smile
  • Healthier gums

Does deep cleaning my teeth hurt?

Because the dentist will numb the area, dental deep cleaning is a relatively painless procedure. If you have sensitive teeth, it may feel slightly uncomfortable when your dentist uses an ultrasonic scaler to remove plaque from your teeth. This device uses high-frequency vibrations to break down hard deposits such as tartar.

At the Dental Health Group, we use the latest technology for safe, efficient treatment. Ask Dr. Abad about numbing options before the procedure begins, and we will make every effort to ensure your comfort.

Remember, the long-term effects of not caring for your teeth often hurt far more than an occasional cleaning.

How long does it take?

The procedure is quick. Depending on how many teeth are treated during the session, teeth deep cleaning can take anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour, usually taking just a few minutes per tooth. If you’re receiving scaling and planing for the first time, it may take longer. 

Your dentist will also need to take digital X-rays of your teeth before treatment begins so they can see if any additional work needs to be done before scaling and polishing. Dentists may spend more time on patients who have particularly damaged teeth and gums. Your dentist will advise you on how long each stage of the treatment will take. They’ll also be able to give you an idea of any possible side effects and how long they might last.

What happens during the procedure?

Your dentist will start by preparing your teeth for the procedure by cleaning your teeth using soft bristles and a fluoride-containing solution. They may numb your gums before they perform any treatment. They’ll then use an ultrasonic scaler to remove plaque from the surface of your teeth. This is done with a special handpiece that vibrates at high speed. Next, they’ll polish each tooth using a fine-grit disc that contains fluoride and polishing agents. The whole process is relatively painless, but you may experience some mild discomfort. If there are any visible holes in your teeth (known as caries), then they’ll fill these before polishing them with a fine abrasive paste.

How much does it cost?

The cost of a dental deep cleaning procedure can vary depending on the severity of your case. Most insurance plans will cover some or all of the costs associated with this treatment. In general, though, it’s less expensive than other types of dental care such as fillings or crowns.

What happens afterward?

You should try not to eat or drink anything for at least 30 minutes after your appointment. You might experience some discomfort or pain after your deep teeth cleaning. This is normal, but it should only last a short time. If you have any concerns about this, speak to your dentist before leaving the practice. After your deep teeth cleaning, your gums may be red and swollen for a few hours. They shouldn’t hurt, though, and usually return to normal within 24 hours. If you experience any pain or swelling after the procedure, contact your dentist immediately. After your teeth cleaning, your dentist will probably recommend rinsing with a fluoride mouthwash and using an antibacterial toothpaste for one week. If you have sensitive teeth, your dentist may advise you to use a special toothpaste for several days after the cleaning. This will help soothe any discomfort and reduce the risk of bleeding. You may also be advised to avoid eating certain foods for a few days after your appointment.

Get your smile back!

Deep teeth cleaning is more than just routine teeth cleaning. It is necessary to maintain your oral health. If you’re not sure whether you are a candidate for a deep dental cleaning procedure, reach out to our Canoga Park team to schedule a consultation. At the Dental Health Group, we are passionate about providing you with the best dental care possible to help you maintain good oral health and keep your teeth looking their best. We take pride in our individualized approach to patient care. 

We’re ready when you are, so call our Canoga Park office at 818-718-2000 or fill out our contact form to schedule your appointment with us.

How To Find a Good Dentist: 7 Questions to Ask

woman looking at teeth in hand mirror at the dentist’s office

When you’re looking for a new dentist, it can feel like searching for the right pair of shoes. There are so many options, and they all fit a bit differently. Some dentists specialize in cosmetic dentistry and orthodontics, while others only do periodontal care such as implants and dentures. Some offer emergency appointments, while others have extended evening hours. What’s the most important consideration? 

Start your search by asking your friends, family, and coworkers about their dentists, and pay attention to their answers. What do they like (or not like) about their experiences? If you’re still not sure about what questions to ask, check out review sites like Yelp or Google for finding a good dentist. 

Nothing can answer your questions as well as an initial consultation or appointment. At our Canoga Park office, we gladly meet with new patients to answer questions before beginning treatment. No matter where you live, finding a good dentist is all about asking your dentist the right questions! Start with these.

1. Are you accepting new patients?

Some offices are going to tell you that they’re “full” or put you on a waiting list for six months. While not always the case, this can be a cause for concern. 

If a dentist is taking new patients, it’s a good sign that they are running their practice efficiently. Practices that cannot schedule your appointment in a timely manner are likely understaffed or relying on an outdated appointment booking system. One sign of a good dentist is that they will find openings for you, perhaps even calling you as soon as an appointment slot becomes available. To minimize waiting, some offices even provide an online messaging service to set up an appointment at a convenient time for you.

2. Do you have any special certifications?

The American Dental Association (ADA) certifies two types of dentists: general dentists and specialists. For a regular checkup and exam, this distinction is unlikely to matter much. Any dentist in general practice should feel comfortable with routine procedures. 

You are more likely to notice a difference with elective or cosmetic procedures. Transforming stained or crooked teeth is both a science and an art form. One way to find a good dentist for cosmetic treatments is to ask about his or her accreditation, certifications, training, expertise, and interests. 

3. What payment plans do you accept?

Most dentists will tell you that they accept insurance, but it’s worth digging a little deeper. Find out about the cost of a visit, what services are included, and what you will need to pay for separately. Ask your dentist if there is a fee for consultation and whether you can schedule an appointment without insurance.

If you have a dental insurance plan, ask if the dentist participates in it — not every dentist participates in every plan! A good dental practice will accept most major insurance plans and have financing options, including payment plans or credit cards that offer dental benefits.

4. Who is on your staff?

Everyone wants a beautiful smile that they can be proud of, and finding a good dentist includes finding out what specialists are on staff to help you achieve that. Some dentists are the only doctor at their practice, while others have multiple doctors or even an orthodontist in house who can consult with you about Invisalign, retainers, or other methods of straightening your teeth.

Once again, it depends on the extent of dental services you require. If you need some restorative work in addition to regular cleanings, a practice with more than one dentist is more likely to schedule you quickly and have the relevant in-house expertise.

5. How do you help patients manage pain?

Many people are afraid of the dentist because they’re afraid of pain. A good question to ask your dentist is what kind of approach he or she takes to deal with pain. It’s important to find a good dentist who will have a method for managing discomfort and will be able to explain how they will manage your pain during a procedure. If you are particularly nervous about dental procedures, ask if they use local anesthesia, which numbs the area being worked on; oral conscious sedation, such as nitrous oxide; or general anesthesia, which puts you to sleep.

A good dentist will hear your concerns about pain. Be wary of a dentist who dismisses your question by saying a procedure “doesn’t hurt.” You should always feel respected.

6. How often do you update your equipment?

Dental equipment is not cheap, and some offices will prioritize cost savings over upgrades. Yet finding a good dentist who utilizes the latest technology can make your visit more comfortable.

Some dental offices have high-speed handpieces that can make drilling less painful. Other offices may use lasers that don’t require anesthesia to remove plaque or treat gum disease. X-rays have now gone digital, providing a safer experience than traditional X-rays. And digital imaging software allows dentists to identify early-stage dental concerns. 

The materials used to make fillings and crowns are also constantly improving, and you want to find a good dentist who is up-to-date on these advances. Ask your dentist what materials he or she uses for fillings and crowns because this may affect how long the filling lasts or how well it fits with your other teeth. If you’re looking to find a good dentist in Canoga Park who uses the latest technology, we are happy to meet you at the Dental Health Group.

7. What if I need an emergency appointment?

You want to find a good dentist that will make themselves available in case of an emergency. If you have a dental emergency such as a broken tooth or severe pain that won’t go away, you will need to get in sooner than six months from now.

woman holding ice pack to cheek

The Dental Health Group

When it comes to finding a good dentist, the most important thing is that you’re comfortable with them and confident in their abilities. If you do your research and come prepared to ask your dentist questions at your appointment, finding a good dentist can be a straightforward experience.

The Dental Health Group in Canoga Park makes every effort to ensure your visit to the dentist is as comfortable and relaxing as possible. Patients travel from all across the Valley to reach our office. Call 818-718-2000 to schedule your appointment. We can’t wait to meet you!

What Are Dentures Made Of?

An older woman looks in the mirror at her new dentures.

Dentures are a centuries-old form of restorative dentistry. Even George Washington wore dentures—although not made of wood, despite the popular folk tale. 

Nowadays, new technologies and advancements in dental care have made wearing and caring for dentures easier than ever. Dentures are a specialty of ours at The Dental Health Group, and over the years, many of our patients have asked us questions such as “how are dentures made?” and “what are dentures made of?” Here’s our explainer of everything you need to know about where dentures come from.

What Are Dentures?

Dentures are prosthetic teeth replacements—most people call them “false teeth.” Often others can’t even tell that person is wearing dentures because each set is custom-made to fit the patient’s mouth. 

People may need dentures due to tooth loss caused by decay, trauma to the mouth, gum disease, or other reasons. A person may also need new dentures to replace old dentures that have become worn or ill-fitting over time. If you are looking to get dentures for the first time or replace old ones, it is important to understand how dentures are made, what materials they are made of, and how they can help improve your oral health.

What Materials Are Used for Dentures?

Modern dentistry uses several materials for dentures including acrylic resin, porcelain, cobalt-chrome alloy, or a combination of these three. The dentist and patient will decide what materials the dentures should be made of depending on the individual’s needs and preferences for this restorative procedure.

Acrylic resin is the most common material used for making dentures as it is lightweight and durable. Porcelain is also commonly used for making dentures as it is strong and aesthetically pleasing. Finally, a cobalt-chrome alloy is also used for making dentures as it is strong and heat-tolerant.

A young man with dentures made of acrylic and porcelain.

How Are Dentures Made?

Denture fabrication typically involves several steps, including taking impressions of the patient’s mouth, creating a custom dental model, and forming the denture so that it fits the mouth perfectly. 

First, a dentist will take an impression of the patient’s mouth using a special molding material. From this, the dentist creates a custom dental model of the patient’s mouth. Next, the dentist will use this model to form the denture so that it’s the correct size and shape. What materials the dentures are made of will be determined during a conversation between the dentist and the patient. Depending on the individual’s needs, dentures can typically be ready within a few weeks.

The Process of Getting Dentures

The Initial Appointment

First of all, we want to make sure that your mouth is ready for dentures. If you have any gum disease or tooth decay, it’s important to address those issues before fitting your mouth for dentures. 

Once the dentist has determined you are a good candidate to receive dentures, the next step is X-rays and impressions. During your appointment with the Dental Health Group, we’ll take digital X-rays and a series of detailed impressions and measurements of your gums and jawbone. The X-rays and impressions help us to determine how the dentures should be made.

Making the Dentures

The next step is to create a plaster model of your denture and place it in an articulator. This mechanical device allows us to simulate how the dentures will function in real life and identify what problems exist before the dentures are made.

Typically you won’t see this part of the process. A dental lab will use the model to create the actual dentures. Expect this to take at least six weeks—sometimes, it’s longer. The technicians at the lab will ensure the dentures are sturdily constructed and ready to fit into the patient’s mouth.

The Initial Fitting

The time has arrived for your initial fitting! Despite the lab’s best efforts, it’s common for a new set of dentures to need a few tweaks. The dentist will guide you through several motions and exercises to make sure the dentures are not causing any pain and that they stay in place.

Although dentures are made to look and function like natural teeth, they do take some getting used to. It may take several weeks for a patient to feel fully comfortable eating and speaking with their new dentures.

How Long Do Dentures Last?

Dentures will typically last between 5 to 10 years before they need to be replaced. Factors that can affect the lifespan of dentures include what they are made of, how well your dentures were made, and your oral health and dental hygiene habits. Caring for your dentures involves brushing them regularly with a soft-bristled toothbrush and special denture cleaning solutions, soaking them overnight in a cleaning solution or water, and visiting your dentist for regular checkups and adjustments as needed.

How to Tell If You Need New Dentures?

Common signs that you may need new dentures include changes in the fit of your existing denture, difficulty eating or speaking with your current denture, and frequent sore spots in your mouth due to your denture. If you experience any of these symptoms, make an appointment for a dental check-up so your dentist can evaluate or replace your dentures.

A young woman with natural-looking dentures smiles in a mirror.

How Can Dentures Help Improve Your Appearance?

Dentures can help improve your appearance by restoring your facial structure, making you look younger and more attractive. Additionally, it can help improve your self-confidence and self-esteem. Properly fitted dentures can also help you speak and eat better.

Is It Safe to Buy Dentures Online?

Buying dentures online can be tempting due to their lower cost, but it is not recommended as it is impossible to get a proper fit without having a professional dentist take an impression of your mouth. Additionally, when buying dentures online, you may not be given accurate information about what your dentures are made of and how to best care for them.

Why Should I Go to A Dentist to Get Dentures?

Visiting a dentist for denture fabrication is important for ensuring the best possible fit and comfort. A dentist will be able to take an accurate impression of your mouth and provide you with advice on which materials will be best for your needs. Additionally, they have expertise in understanding how dentures are made and can adjust the fit when it is needed.

Dentures Create Beautiful and Healthy Smiles!

Having the correct type of denture will restore your facial structure and improve your appearance. Visiting an experienced dentist will ensure that your dentures fit comfortably and look completely natural. The Dental Health Group can help you decide what your dentures should be made of and how they can improve your smile, eating ability, and oral health. Whether you are getting dentures for the first time or replacing an old set that is discolored or worn, we can go over the various treatment options (partial dentures or implant retained dentures) and help you decide what’s best for your lifestyle.

Contact The Dental Health Group Today

If you’re looking for an experienced and welcoming dental practice in Canoga Park, contact The Dental Health Group today. We specialize in denture care and restorative dentistry and always strive to make sure you feel and look your best. We are currently accepting new patients, so call 818-718-2000. We’re also available to answer your questions or help you schedule a consultation. We look forward to meeting you!

Bleeding Gums? Here’s Why It Happens—And What To Do Next

A young woman with a floss pick looks at her teeth and gums.

It can feel alarming to see blood in the sink after brushing or flossing. Bleeding gums when brushing is often a sign of an underlying dental issue, but the good news is that you can address the problem by taking action early. 

Nowadays, new technologies and advancements have made gum disease easy to treat. At The Dental Health Group, many of our patients have asked us questions such as “Why do gums bleed?” and “why do my gums bleed when I floss?” Here’s everything you need to know about at-home remedies for bleeding gums and when to visit the dentist.

Why Do Gums Bleed?

Gums may bleed for a variety of reasons. However, the most common cause of bleeding gums is plaque build-up on teeth. This plaque contains bacteria that can lead to inflammation. The swollen gum tissue ruptures easily, and you may see bleeding when brushing or flossing.

Too much force when brushing or flossing may be another reason why your gums bleed. Of course, brushing and flossing are vital components of preventative dental care. Brushing is never bad for your teeth, but sometimes stiff bristles or a hard pressing motion can cause some irritation. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and make gentle, circular motions while holding the brush at an angle to clean under your gum line without irritating the tissue.

Another reason why gums bleed is because of poorly fitting dentures. If you wear dentures, a dentist must check them regularly to ensure they fit correctly and to have them adjusted so they fit your mouth appropriately and comfortably.

At-Home Remedies For Bleeding Gums

There are safe, at-home remedies that may address why your gums bleed. If you are experiencing bleeding gums when brushing or flossing, you can try a few dentist-approved remedies. These include using an antibacterial mouthwash, such as Listerine, twice a day; brushing with a soft-bristled toothbrush; and flossing regularly. 

While it seems counterintuitive, one of the main reasons why your gums bleed when you floss is that you need to do it more often! Think of it like exercising. If your arms and chest are sore after one day of lifting weights, it means you’re building muscle. Gums need strengthening, too.

If you do not floss your teeth regularly, get into the habit of flossing every time you brush your teeth. Chances are you’ll soon see an improvement. It is also important to eat a healthy diet. Cut back on sugary drinks, gum, and candy, and include plenty of fruits and vegetables. Healthy foods can help keep your gums strong and improve your oral health.

If these at-home remedies do not improve your gum health within a week to 10 days, schedule a visit to the dentist. They can perform a comprehensive examination to determine why your gums are bleeding and create a plan to fix the problem.

Preventing Bleeding and Gum Disease When Brushing or Flossing

A father and son brushing their teeth and gums

Gum disease is a primary reason why gums bleed. Here are four science-backed precautionary measures to prevent gum disease and bleeding gums when brushing or flossing.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way in keeping your gums healthy. In addition, the American Dental Association recommends drinking plenty of water and eating foods high in calcium and phosphorus. These nutrients are often found in green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seafood, so add them to your meals! 

Manage Stress Levels

Stress can weaken the immune system and make it more difficult for the body to fight infection and inflammation. This includes the inflammation caused by the build-up of plaque on your teeth. When you find ways to effectively manage the stress in your life through exercise, meditation or prayer, and positive activities or hobbies with family and friends, you will also experience better overall health and oral health.

Quit Smoking

Based on data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), smoking is a significant factor in developing gum disease. Not only does smoking weaken the immune system, but it also reduces your body’s ability to fight infections. If you or a family member smokes cigarettes, pipe tobacco, cigars, or vapes, consider these health statistics:

  • Smoking doubles the risk of gum disease.
  • The risk of developing gum disease increases with the length of time smoking.
  • Gum disease treatments are not as effective for those who continue smoking.

No matter what you do to stop your gums from bleeding, continued smoking may counteract those efforts.

Replace Your Toothbrush

Because bleeding gums when brushing can be a sign of a worn-out or stiff brush, don’t forget to replace your toothbrush every three months or when the bristles become frayed. Worn-down bristles can irritate your gums and lead to bleeding.

When To Visit The Dentist

One of the main reasons why gums bleed when you floss or brush your teeth is that it’s time for your regular visit to the dentist for a routine cleaning and examination. Keeping up to date on regular dentist visits is essential for maintaining good oral health, even when you are not experiencing any dental issues. 

The Dental Health Group offers a welcoming, safe space for all patients, and we will work with you to address concerns in a compassionate, non-judgmental way. 

When you come to our office on the day of your appointment, we will ask you about any issues with your teeth or gums so we can address them properly. The dentist will do a comprehensive examination of your mouth and may recommend treatments such as teeth cleaning or gum treatment. We believe in the old saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, so we will also advise how to keep your teeth and gums healthy in the future.

A Healthy Smile Means No More Bleeding Gums!

Remember, the most common reason why gums bleed is an underlying dental issue that needs attention. If trying at-home remedies such as using an antibacterial mouthwash and brushing with a soft-bristled toothbrush doesn’t improve your gum health, it is important to visit the dentist for an examination and treatment plan. Taking action now will help keep your teeth and gums healthy in the future.

The Dental Health Group can help you address bleeding gums through routine cleanings, specialized deep cleaning, periodontal therapy, and gum disease laser treatments. Depending on the severity of your condition, all of these can help improve your smile and oral health.

If you’re looking for answers to explain why your gums bleed, contact The Dental Health Group in Canoga Park today. We specialize in preventative dentistry and are currently welcoming new patients. Call 818-718-2000 or visit us online to schedule a consultation.

We look forward to meeting you!